CCP Podcast 045: Simple Things to Help Them Sleep.

 November 11

by Jonathan Downham

Characterisation of sleep in intensive care using 24-hour polysomnography: an observational study.

Why Our Patients Are_optThis was a very enlightening discussion with Rosalind Elliott from Sydney about her study. Our poor ITU patients are struggling to get any decent sleep- what can we do to help them?

Rosalind Elliott qualified as a nurse in London, England in the early 90s and worked in intensive care for almost two decades. In 1998 she moved to Sydney. Roz completed her Ph.D. studies at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia in 2012. She conducted a research study, ‘Improving the quality and amount of sleep for the intensive care patient’. Previously during her Masters studies, Roz investigated the effect of a sedation guideline on the duration of ventilation on intensive care patients. In addition, to her strong research interest, she is an advocate for nursing practices to improve patient comfort and quality of care. In her previous role as a Clinical Nurse Consultant in intensive care, she published papers on the prevention of pressure ulcers and eye care in ICU patients.

The Insomnia Severity Index

Patient- Nurse Interrater Reliability and Agreement of the Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire American Journal of Critical Care 2012

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