
I have been producing podcasts since 2014 and have found it an invaluable way of networking with others and enabling me to pick others brains when trying to understand a subject.

Below are the last few podcasts for you to listen to directly from the website. Just click on the episode you are interested in and the show notes and podcast player will appear. There are many more which I have not put on to this page- but you can access them by other means if you wish.

If you prefer you can go directly to my page at Libsyn where I host the podcasts, or just find them on whichever podcatcher you use on your phone and listen to them from there.

CCP Podcast: So you want to be an ACCP?

CCP Podcast- Weaning our patients

Do Not Resuscitate- the conversations we have.

 ICU Acquired Weakness and Muscle Wasting with Brigitta Fazzini

CCP Podcast 142: Advanced Practice Proving its Worth

CCP Podcast 141: ARDS- how we treat it

CCP Podcast 140: Proning from bench to bedside

CCP Podcast 139: ICU Follow Up Clinics

CCP Podcast 138: In Situ Simulation

CCP Podcast 137: VR and Critical Care. Really?!

CCP Podcast 136: Delirium with David Aaronovitch

CCP Podcast 135: COVID-19 and Ethics

CCP Podcast 134- COVID 19- When to do that tracheostomy?

CCP Podcast 133: Ollie Poole and SCCM Guideline on Mechanical Ventilation in COVID-19

CCP Podcast 132: COVID- Early Days?

Preparing to Prone- Courtesy of the BACCN

CCP Podcast 131: The Rose Trial

CCP Podcast 130: Twitter Chats

CCP Podcast 129: APRV- Why you shouldn't

CCP Podcast 128: PJ Paralysis!

CCP Podcast 127: Sedation Hold

CCP Podcast 126: Another way to assess patient outcomes?

CCP Podcast 125: A to Z checklist with Dr Paul Hughes Webb

CCP Podcast 124: Pain, Agitation and Delirium

CCP Podcast 123: The 'PERFECT' Protocol- How we feed our patients

CCP Podcast 122: Aneamia and how we deal with it.

CCP Podcast 121: How we use Social Media and Goodbye NTI2019

CCP Podcast 120: Sepsis Studies and Proning

CCP Podcast 119: Sepsis management- has anything changed?

CCP Podcast 118: QR codes and Just in Time Learning

CCP Podcast 117: Eugene Mondor and Heamodynamics

 CCP Podcast 116: An ITU survivor and now an ITU nurse- Jason Kirchick

 CCP Podcast 115: @OnlyintheICU- How we can better manage our own mental health.

 CCP Podcast 114: Sean Dent and Barbara Maclean discuss nurse communication

 CCP Podcast 113: Sean Dent and Sarah with the newthingnurse.com

 CCP Podcast 112: Nicole Kupchik tells about some important studies NTI2019

 CCP Podcast 111: Expanding Roles for APRNs in Telehealth

CCP Podcast 109: Nancy Blake and Gayle Lukar talk about safe staffing and healthy staff NTI2019

CCP Podcast 108: Liver problems in the ICU with Daniel Arellano and Brandi McCall

CCP Podcast 107: Megan Brunson (President Elect) and Jon White at #NTI2019

CCP Podcast 106: Enough with the noise already!

CCP Podcast 105: Advanced Practice Across the World

CCP Podcast 104: Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)
