Selecting the intervention in Intubated patients: Evidence, Guidelines and Clinical Application
This is a chat with Rachael Moses (@rachaelmoses) who is a consultant respiratory physiotherapist. I noticed from a twitter post that she had been at a meeting and presented on the above topic. She was kind enough to chat with me for the podcast. We talked about a number of issues but mainly discussed the various ways in which we can help the ventilated patient to clear their secretions.
I certainly found out a few things I didn’t know about and some equipment I had not heard of before. We discussed the Biphasic Cuirass Ventilation, the inCourage® Airway Clearance Therapy, The Vest® System, Electromed SmartVest® System, Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation IPV, the MetaNeb® Hill Rom and Mechanical In-Exsufflation.
Lots of new and old techniques as well as the more traditional hands-on ways of getting the secretions up and out.
Some of the research papers we discussed are below.
Interview Questions for Advanced Critical Care Practitioners
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