CCP Podcast 051: ICU Follow Up Clinics

 January 23

by Jonathan Downham

ICU Follow Up ClinicsThis is an episode I recorded with Professor Stephen Brett, outgoing President of the Intensive Care Society at the State of the Art meeting 2016 about the merits of the ICU Follow Up Clinics. During the conference, he had had a pro-con debate with Brian Cuthbertson who is Chief of the Department of Critical Care Medicine at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Professor in the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Toronto.

I think the outcome of the debate was very inconclusive other than to say that we need more evidence which may have to be collected in a more qualitative way. During this chat I think we arrive at the same conclusions too.

Some of the studies in the debate :

The PRaCTICaL study of Nurse led, intensive care follow-up programmes for improving long term outcomes from critical Illness.

A national survey of intensive care follow-up clinics

One year outcomes in caregivers of Critically Ill Patients

The Recover Trial

Improving outcomes after critical illness: harder than we thought!

And below is my video summary of day 2 at the Intensive Care Society State of the Art 2016 which includes a summary of this debate with some of the slides used.

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