CCP Podcast 026: Crew Resource Management…What?

 November 10

by Jonathan Downham

Ken Spearpoint and I talk about Crew resource management as it relates to the cardiac arrest scenario. I love talking with Ken as he is so knowledgeable and puts his points across so well. i found it really interesting to chat with him about this. I have broken it down into two parts as we both had so much to say, so the second part will be podcast 027 next time.

Below is the intro to a post I wrote about this some time ago now…..

One of my work colleagues, sent me a tweet a few days ago about an arrest he had been involved in.

There were some problems with the airway and the difficulty encountered with the moving target as CPR is ongoing. I suggested that someone should be holding the head whilst my colleague attempted to tube the patient, and this brought up the subject of Crisis Resource Management (CRM).

This got me looking at this issue as it relates to the emergency situation and I have found a number of useful resources. I have found a few definitions of what this means but I think this one includes most issues:

 “Crisis Resource Management (CRM) in Healthcare promotes safety by addressing the behavioural and cognitive skills needed to effectively manage all available resources, especially during a crisis situation. This can be accomplished through the development of superior non-technical skills such communication, teamwork, situational awareness, and leadership.”

 McMaster University 2014

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