CCP Podcast 004 : Great Medical Podcasts to Listen To.

 September 7

by Jonathan Downham

This episode of the Critical Care Practitioner is going to focus on some of the other podcasts I listen to which influence my practice as a critical care practitioner and which I think will be useful to those of you pout there who want to keep up to date with current practice and thinking.

How to get the podcasts.

The beauty of them all is that they are completely free and can be accessed in a number of ways, so choose the one that suits you best.  iTunes is probably the most common way of getting to podcasts on the PC and MAC, just go to iTunes and find the iTunes store. Type in the name of the relevant podcasts in the search bar and you should be able to find them.

If you are using a mobile platform such as Pocket Casts, which is the one I use on my Android phone, then again it is a simple case of doing a search with the name of the podcast. Once you have found them you can subscribe which will ensure that you are told when there is a new episode, and you can even set it up to automatically download the episode when you have access to a WiFi network. I find this automation very useful and it helps my awful memory out a little!

Be careful how many you have downloaded at one time as they can eat up your memory very quickly, and I would advise deleting the ones you have listened to. You can always go back and download them again if you want to. That’s the beauty of the average podcast being free.

You could also try them in Stitcher Radio. They can be streamed from here, which is useful if you are at your computer and don’t want to download them. There is a link to this service at the bottom of this page.

The Podcasts I Love

emcritProbably my most listened to podcast in the critical care world is Emcrit. This is a podcast by Dr Scott Weingart, and I love his style. His views are his own and he does not mind expressing them when he feels he needs to. His approach is a logical one and he always provides a reasoned and structured argument. You may not agree with all he has to say, and he does not ask you to, but I am always gald when I listen to him. He is well respected in the critical care world and this is reflected in some of the guests he gets to speak in his episodes.

He has spoken with Emmanuel Rivers and Paul Marik on their trails and views regarding the optimal use of fluids in severe sepsis and his latest episode is with Dr. Angus is chair of the Department of Critical Care Medicine and the ProCESS trail which is aiming to reevaluate the fluid argument.

He also releases what he calls the Emcrit wee, which is a shorter episode when he feels he has to counteract an argument put forward by someone else on a topic. Recently he debated the use of the mapleson C circuit for preoxygenation in just such a way.

He also does wonderful show notes with links to all he mentions. Go check him out here


SMACCGold has just happened on the gold coast of Australia. I plan on doing a whole podcast on this fantastic conference.SMACC SMACC stands for Social Media And Critical Care and is both informative and entertaining. Yes that’s right, entertaining. One of the main objectives of the SMACC conferences is that they are not like all the other somewhat dry medical conferences but that they share current practice in a way that is great to absorb.

The topics they cover are far ranging from airway management to the use of ultrasound. They hold a competition each year called Sonowars in which teams aim to be the best at this art form. Manages to be both fun and VERY informative at the same time. You can find past ‘lectures’ from the SMACC conferences here, all well worth listening to.

They also run another competition where they ask people to submit Pecha Kucha which is Japanese for ‘chit chat’. these are talks based around slides, but they can only be 6 mins 40 seconds long and only 20 slides in total. Some great ones to see here.


pharm PHARM stands for Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine and is a podcast run by Dr Minh le Cong an air retrival doctor based in Australia. I think he best summarises on his website:

“What is PHARM? Its the area of clinical medicine involved with the assessment and stabilisation of acutely ill or injured patients in the prehospital setting, who require transport to definitive care. It requires a wide range of skills and knowledge including emergency medicine, paramedicine, critical care and aeromedicine. “

 Many of the subjects he covers are similar to Dr Weingart in Emcrit, but puts his own interpretation to them. Once again very useful and you can even hear the Australian crickets in the background. Makes me think of warmer weather whilst I am listening!


RAGE (modestly titled Resuscitationists Awesome Guide to Everything…love that title!) is a relatively new podcast, currently onRAGE episode three. This however is run by some experienced podcasters who, along with others, get together to discuss the current  issues in resuscitation and critical care. There are a number of people involved such as:

  • Rich Levitan (@airwaycam)- the MAN in the airway world!
  • Scott Weingart (@emcrit)- see above.
  • Haney Mallemat (@CriticalCareNow)- emergency medicine doctor who specializes in emergency medicine and internal medicine.
  • Cliff Reid (@cliffreid)- go to RESUS M.E.
  • Michaela Cartner (@mjcartner)- ED physician and intensivist. (Great discussion from her on podcast 2 about crisis resource management)

They break it down into a few elements. ‘Whats bubbling up?’- interesting stuff form the world of FOAMed (Free open access to medical education). ‘A blast from the past’- past history recent or otherwise and ‘Words of wisdom’- quotes form the great and the good.

Very relaxed conversational style, with one practitioner leading a point and the others offering their opinions.


Ultrasound podcastOne of the skills I am trying to learn, as it is becoming evident that it is ever more useful in the critically ill patient is the use of ultrasound. So the Ultrasound Podcast is invaluable. You can start from the basics and move onto quite advanced skills and again there is some humour to be had. Always helpful! Whilst this is not strictly an audio podcast it is something I listen/watch regularly and I think you should too if you want to gain this skill. I am planning on doing the FEEL course (focused echocardiography) in the near future so hopefully this site will give me a head start.


EMBasic has to be another one you should listen too. This is by Steve Carroll  a  graduate from the Emergency MedicineResidency at San Antonio Military Medical Center (formerly Brooke Army Medical Center) in San Antonio, Texas.EMBasic Each podcast focuses on a particular condition, breaking it down into signs and symptoms and then current treatment. Examples include hypertension, COPD and fitting. Steve has a monotonous style but don’t let that fool you. These are gold nuggets in the critical care/emergency medicine podcasting world, highly recommended with great show notes as well.


intensive_care_podcastsThe last one I will mention, but by no means the least is Dr Oli Flowers Intensive Care podcasts. this is now  a large collection of varied topics all presented in an easy to listen to manner. Most are interview based with other practitioners and there is a lot to learn here.




I hope you find this selection useful. I love them all, often not finding the time to listen to them all, but that is why podcasts are so great. You can cherry pick the ones you want and listen to the same one again and again if you wish.

If you know of anymore which you think I or others should be listening too let me know.

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