TEAM is a program of research to evaluate the effect of early mobilisation to assess functional recovery and patient-centered outcomes of ICU survivors. Carol Hodgson is one of the lead clinicians in this project, She will be presenting at the 2015 Intensive Care Society State of the Art conference, so this is an opportunity to hear some of the areas she is concerned with.
Early physical and occupational therapy in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients: a randomised controlled trial. Schweickert, W. et al The Lancet. Vol. 373, No. 9678, p1874–1882, 30 May 2009
Physiotherapy in the Intensive Care Unit Netherlands Journal of Critical Care 2011
Cycle Ergometry
Early rehabilitation in critical care (eRiCC): functional electrical stimulation with cycling protocol for a randomised controlled trial.  Parry, S. et al. BMJ 2012
Early Physical Rehabilitation in the ICU: A Review for the Neurohospitalist Mendez-Tellez et al,  Neurohospitalist. 2012.
Characterization of the use of a cycle ergometer to assist in the physical therapy treatment of critically ill patients Pires-Neto et al. Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2013.
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