CCP Podcast 038: WeNurses Tweet Chat About Advanced Practitioners

 December 5

by Jonathan Downham

Myself and Tracey Starkey-Moore (@TraceyStarkeyMo) led a @WeNurses chat on the 1st October about Advanced Practitioners. You can find the Summary on the discussion on the WeCommunities website with the relevant key word clouds.

Tracey and I then got together with Gavin Denton (@DentonGavin) and Jemma Owen (@JemmaOwen1) to discuss some of the key issues that came up on the night. I think we highlight some interesting issues in the development of Advanced Practice

RCN Guidelines on Advanced Nurse Practitioners

The role of advanced nurse practitioners.

Development of Advanced Care Practitioners in Emergency Services

The National Education and Competence Framework for Advanced Critical Care Practitioners.

Royal College of Emergency Medicine Curriculum for Emergency Care Practitioners

DoH Advanced Level Nursing- A position statement.

Nursing Times- Understanding Advanced Nursing Practice

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