CCP Podcast 007: Chat with Bethan Bishop

 December 5

by Jonathan Downham

Bethan Bishop is Head of Innovation and Industry Engagement at the Heart of England NHS Trust in Birmingham. In this podcast she discusses how this role came about, having come from a background in the Pharmaceutical industry.

She works as part of the MIDRU team which aims to help in the innovation process. She is also involved with the Birmingham Science City initiative which is a partnership of public, private and HE sectors that aims to develop, use and promote science, technology to stimulate innovation to improve economic prosperity and quality of life.

There is a mention of the document “Innovation Health and Wealth” an important government paper and of the Academic Health Science Networks.

Bethan is obviously very passionate about her role in her Trust and working in partnership with others both within and outside the NHS will help make a difference to the ways we work.

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